Custom Explosions for the Teratrons
I took of an hour to do some other stuff, but I've been working all day on these new explosions.
Joe had gone through and made a custom explosion animation for each individual ship, which results in a ring of fire.
Mechanim is the best way to handle image swap animations in Unity, but I had already built my prefabs, and along with their code and event handling in some combination of Mechanim and Legacy animations.
Well, THAT had to go!
When I moved Mechanim to the right place on the GameObjects hierarchy (the root), I lost the animations that were built for the child objects, which meant I lost the hover animations built for each one.
So I rebuilt them, well, at least three of them, the primaries Red, Blue, and Yellow are re-finished.
We also wanted to replace the standard asset explosion that ships with Unity for something a little more custom. So, I started playing around with Particle Systems.
I won't bore you with those details except to say I found a really sweet effect when I changed the shape of the emitter to a 3D cube, so check out how the two play together!
As always, we invite you to try out the latest alpha version of Teratrons From Outer Space on Android devices. Here's a link:
Stay Frosty,
~Sub-Zero Chuck
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