Saturday, January 30, 2016

Screen Shot Saturday

The Makeover Continues:

We were so happy with the new look of the game in perspective rather than ortjographic views that we both spent a large portion of our days bringing it to life.

Today we added:
  • Nebulas
  • A flowing star field
  • A big spinning moon
  • A negative graphic for the ship since you'll be sitting in the cockpit from this forward
  • a few tweaks and whatnot. 
  • Angled up the Teratrons so that you can actually see them, and they don't look so FLAT anymore.
Joe's been busy today building you a nice cockpit to sit in. Once he gets that in place, we can rework the GUI elements to better align with the new interior. Maybe he'll share that with you guys later!

So there you go, our Screen Shot Saturday submission. Keep looking for updates.

Stay Frosty,
~Sub-Zero Chuck

Friday, January 29, 2016

A new perspective

The 2D grid just started to feel... flat

During the process of building this game, we initially discussed how we wanted to present it, and we decided on a 2D presentation, because this was after all a classic color match puzzle game, right?

I can't begin to tell you the hours we've spent looking at this game, and playing it, over and over again, and again, adding features, getting rid of "unwanted features," and simply looking at it.

When we finally moved from PC design and testing, and started to port it toward mobile devices (which was our intended target in the first place) we noticed the screen seemed kind of empty. 

Take a look:

Notice there's some informative stuff on the left, very little info on the right, a handful of ships in the middle, and a bunch of just space. 

So, Joe and I had a convo that went something like this:

Chuck: Maybe we should consider cutting the top and bottom borders out, so we can zoom in on the play field a little?

Joe: That destroys the look I had in mind when I created the frame.

Chuck: True, and I do like the look, it just feels empty.

Joe:  It's supposed to be a heads-up type display.

Chuck: It's really a heads-down display, isn't it?

Joe: You got me there.

Both: Why don't we go more first person, like from a cockpit?

Both: We're geniuses!

I may have paraphrased and embellished a little. But the gist is we decided to try it out. 

Will the 2D mechanics hold up?

It was a little sketchy at first, and I had to do a little not thinking about it for a couple of hours before I could brain it into existence. The answer came to me when I realized that we've already done this for the MotherShip levels.

In the main level, the Teratrons were just floating in "Universal" space, but with the mothership, they're attached to the wings of the ship. I already knew how to handle that, and now I know how to handle this as well. Attach all the interacting game objects to a primary object an voila!

It really only took changing and adding about 20 lines of code to bring it all together, and there are of course some new bugs that were introduced by this change, BUT, I think we can fix those pretty easily. 

What's next?

Joe's going to spend some time reworking the GUI elements, and I'll keep pounding out code to bring it all together. We're going to have to spend some time reworking animations, but I think it will all be well worth it.

What do you guys think? Comments are welcome.

Stay Frosty, 
~Sub-Zero Chuck

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

All the tweaks in the World

All the tweaks in the world...

January 26, 2106 - Little Rock, AR

Last night I spent  couple hours reworking the Phase Defense reaction. The Phase Defense was developed by the Teratrons as a way to protect themselves against the human attacker (you!).

They place these machines in their ranks, and make it so that they can inhibit your progress until they pretty much force you to set one off. 

Beware though, when you do, they get phase shifted, and can no longer be hit by your light bombs, for about 10s. If you fire a bomb toward them, it will simply go through them to the next un-phasedTeratron and move themselves down in the rank toward an attack. 

While this seems solely a defensive measure, the wise pilot can find ways to take advantage of this moment to set up chains behind the whacked out aliens. 

Oh, and if two phase engines are within reach of each other, they will start a chain, causing even more of the pesky TFOS to shift out of play. But, it's not quite right yet...

...and that brings us to tweaks.

Timing is everything in this game. So we've got a lot of work to do on getting it just right. It seems that we've completed a LARGE portion of the primary work to be done in this game, and now we have to try and balance it, here is a list of just a few of the many variables we've set up to allow us to tweak:

  • Advance time  - The amount of time between successive new TFOS showing up on the grid
  • Advance Time CoEfficient -  A multiplier to adjust the advance time over time. Smaller than 1 will make it faster, greater than 1 makes it slower. 
  • Grid Size and Starting Rows - These settings allow us to change the number of rows and columns in the grids, and well as how many are at the beginning of a stage, and how they fill the screen.
  • Special Spawn rates - a fractional chance of the system creating a special item during an advance. The current special spawns are:
    • The White Ship
    • The Special Weapon Bonus
    • The Time-Warper
    • The Phase Shifter
  • The Special Weapon Fill Rate/Max - What's needed to fill a Bank Charge
  • The Special Weapon Bank - The max number of charges you can have ready 
Of course there are many other tweaks to make, such as the length of certain animations and timers, then number of extra lives you start with as well as your chances of earning additional 1UPs.

So, there's still a lot of work to be done, and we're working every day and night to get you this game. We're almost certain you're going to love the final product. Take a peek now if you haven't already:

Stay Frosty,
~Sub-Zero Chuck

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Custom Explosions for them darned TFOS

Custom Explosions for the Teratrons

I took of an hour to do some other stuff, but I've been working all day on these new explosions. 

Joe had gone through and made a custom explosion animation for each individual ship, which results in a ring of fire. 

Mechanim is the best way to handle image swap animations in Unity, but I had already built my prefabs, and along with their code and event handling in some combination of Mechanim and Legacy animations. 

Well, THAT had to go!

When I moved Mechanim to the right place on the GameObjects hierarchy (the root), I lost the animations that were built for the child objects, which meant I lost the hover animations built for each one.

So I rebuilt them, well, at least three of them, the primaries Red, Blue, and Yellow are re-finished.

We also wanted to replace the standard asset explosion that ships with Unity for something a little more custom. So, I started playing around with Particle Systems.

I won't bore you with those details except to say I found a really sweet effect when I changed the shape of the emitter to a 3D cube, so check out how the two play together! 

As always, we invite you to try out the latest alpha version of Teratrons From Outer Space on Android devices. Here's a link:

Stay Frosty,
~Sub-Zero Chuck

Starting a dev blog - Late in the game, but let's do this!

January 23, 2016 0715 (GMT -6)- Chuck Stanley

Good morning blog readers. Today is my first dev blog entry since the beginning of time and what came before.

Today I'm going to grab the latest assets Joe made for us, and attach them to the game. We've got new explosions for things, so there's less generic going on and a lot more other fun stuff to see.

- Remove the generic explosion from the project pretty much altogether
- Replace with animated explosions created by Joe
- Add a custom particle system to accentuate the explosions.

Let's see how it goes.

First, I'll need to have a look at the animator for the gameObjects and do some frame swapping... I'll get back to you on that in a bit.

It looks like my project update from Joe has finished, so I'm off to work.